Combining Active and Ensemble Learning
for Efficient Classification of Web Documents
Steffen Schnitzer, Sebastian Schmidt, Christoph Rensing, and Bettina Harriehausen-M
Abstract—Classification of text remains a challenge. Most
machine learning based approaches require many manually
annotated training instances for a reasonable accuracy. In
this article we present an approach that minimizes the
human annotation effort by interactively incorporating human
annotators into the training process via active learning of an
ensemble learner. By passing only ambiguous instances to the
human annotators the effort is reduced while maintaining a
very good accuracy. Since the feedback is only used to train an
additional classifier and not for re-training the whole ensemble,
the computational complexity is kept relatively low.
Index Terms—Text classification, active learning, user feed-
back, ensemble learning.
URING the last decade, the Internet has become a main
source of information. In November 2013 there were
more than 190 million active Web sites online [1]. Since
Web sites do not follow any common indexing schema, search
engines are the only way to fulfill users’ information needs by
giving an entry-point to the Web sites with the aimed content.
Besides search engines for general purposes like Google
, a number of domain specific search engines has evolved
over the last years. Those search engines are tailored for
the exploration of Web documents from a specific domain.
Prominent domains for domain-specific search engines are
hotels, restaurants, products or job offers. In contrast to general
search engines, these specialized engines provide additional
value based on pre-defined knowledge of their respective
domains. This knowledge can be used e.g. for offering a
faceted search interface, for organising the indexed Web
documents or for giving recommendations based on previously
viewed Web documents. Since Web documents are normally
not annotated with meta information on their content, there is
a need to infer this information automatically. One common
method for this is the use of machine learning techniques, in
particular text classification to identify appropriate class labels
Manuscript received on December 17, 2013; accepted for publication on
February 6, 2014.
Steffen Schnitzer, Sebastian Schmidt, and Christoph Rensing are with Mul-
timedia Communications Lab, Technische Universit
at Darmstadt, Germany
(e-mail: {Steffen.Schnitzer, Sebastian.Schmidt, Christoph.Rensing}@kom.tu-
Bettina Harriehausen-M
uhlbauer is with the University of Applied Sciences,
Darmstadt, Germany (e-mail:
The first two authors contributed equally to this work.
from the pre-defined knowledge that match the content. For
the use within e.g. a hotel search engine these labels could
be the focus of the hotel (business, sports, family, etc.) or for
job search engines those could be the field of work (IT, sales,
medical, etc.).
Traditional classification approaches require a huge number
of manually labeled training instances. In static environments
where domains do not adapt over time this results in
a large initial effort for human annotators. In dynamic
environments where the terminology changes over time, a
constant annotation of large number of training instances is
required which is not feasible. Hence, there is the need for
an efficient solution which provides an excellent classification
accuracy with less manual effort compared to traditional
machine learning systems and which learns during run-time.
In this paper we present a solution which identifies Web
documents that are most helpful for the system’s accuracy
to be annotated manually and hence to be used for the
iterative improvement of the overall text classification system.
The solution combines different well-known machine learning
techniques such as Ensemble Learning and Active Learning
but aims at having fewer time requirements compared to
existing solutions.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 gives an overview on fundamentals and related work
in the fields relevant to our work. Based on this, our concept
is presented in Section 3. Section 4 presents the methodology
and the results of an extensive evaluation with 10,300 Web
documents. Our achievements and future work are summarized
in Section 5.
In this section, we give an overview on important concepts
for our work. After a general introduction into the topic
of text classification and its state-of-the-art we give insights
into two general machine learning foundations for our work:
Ensemble Learning is a technique where various machine
learning results are combined into one common result. Active
Learning allows to incorporate human feedback into a machine
learning decision.
A. Text Classification
Text classification describes the automated process of
assigning a text one or multiple class labels based on
39 Polibits (49) 2014ISSN 1870-9044; pp. 39–45
characteristics of the text. The class label(s) can describe
various attributes of the text such as the topic or the text type.
When multiple class labels can be assigned to a single text
at the same time, it is referred to as multi-label classification.
In our work we face a multi-label classification, but since the
class labels are conditionally independent, according to [2]
we break it down to a binary classification where we have to
decide for each class label if it has to be assigned to a certain
text or not.
In the past, a lot of work has been done in the
field of text classification with various applications. As for
all classification tasks, a model has to be defined first
which describes instances to be classified in an abstract
way. For the classification of text a widely-used model
is the bag-of-words model in combination with the term
frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) measure. The
bag-of-words model represents text as an un-ordered collection
of the occurring words. Since not every word has the same
significance for a document, the single words are often
weighted. The probably most common weighting scheme is
TF-IDF, which assigns weights according to the frequency of
a word within the respective text in comparison to all other
texts in a corpus [3].
Using each word from a corpus as a feature where the
TF-IDF values for single text instances are the feature values
results in a high-dimensional space with very sparse vectors.
This makes Support Vector Machines (SVMs) the most
suitable classification algorithm for text classification [4].
Besides the main goal of an accurate classification, also
the timing requirements for training and classification phase
have been focus of research. The usage of different parallel
classifiers, each of which has been trained on a sub-space of
the total classes, has been presented in [5]. This approach
outperforms approaches using a single classifier for the whole
space of classes in terms of accuracy and speed. It is well
suited for text classification tasks with hierarchical class labels
but cannot be applied in settings with a large number of classes
without a hierarchy.
Different methods have been presented for reducing the
human effort for annotation, e.g. Fukumoto et al. present an
approach that requires to have only positive examples labeled
by humans [6]. More approaches are presented in Section II-C.
B. Ensemble Learning
Ensemble learning allows to combine different machine
learning models into a single model. It has been shown that
this improves the overall classification accuracy [7]. In this
section, we will focus on the technique of Bagging since this
proved to be most suitable for our problem. We did not employ
the technique of Stacking, because a single most suitable
classification method (SVM) has been identified. The iterative
technique of Boosting was not used due to time performance
reasons, however, the active learning part of our approach
bears some characteristics of Boosting. Bagging denotes the
idea to apply N instances of the same classification algorithm
on N different representative random subsets of the original
training set. This results in N different classifier models with
different classification results [8]. The resulting labels of the
single classifier can then be combined into one common result
e.g. via voting or averaging, where voting is more natural for
binary classifiers and averaging more natural for classifiers
with numeric output. One drawback of this approach is the
splitting of the complete training set, which results in smaller
training sets for the single classifiers and might hence have a
negative impact on the classification accuracy.
C. Active Learning
“The goal of active learning is to minimize the cost of
training an accurate model by allowing the learner to choose
which instances are labeled for training” [9]. The idea is to
let human annotators interactively label the instances with
the highest information gain and to improve the classifier by
incorporating those instances into a re-training phase.
By doing so, the overall annotation effort is reduced
since initially only a small number of instances needs to
be annotated and afterwards only the “helpful” instances
are added. This concept requires to identify the instances
which can improve the classifier substantially. Strategies for
selecting the most helpful instances have been focus of
research for a while now [10]. Besides the advantages of this
concept, also the computational effort needs to be considered.
Sophisticated models like the “estimated loss reduction” [11]
or the “expected error reduction” [12] are computationally very
Zhu el al. [13] selects for human feedback the unlabeled
instances that change their predicted class label during two
consecutive learning steps or which are predicted to be in a
certain class with less certainty compared to the previous step.
When making use of the previously introduced technique of
Bagging, the result of voting during the classification process
can be seen as a measure of certainty about the classification
decision. If the single classifiers show to have differing results,
the classified instance together with its label can be assumed
to be helpful to improve the accuracy of the overall classifier.
Li and Snoek present an approach where an ensemble of
SVMs for image tag classification is re-trained iteratively
with previously miss-classified examples where the correct
labels are obtained via crowdsourcing [14]. The authors show
that this approach leads to better classification in comparison
to re-training with randomly chosen instances. The approach
requires that the whole ensemble needs to be re-trained when
incorporating new examples.
To conclude, we have seen that various approaches allow
for a text classification which is more robust, more efficient or
require less human effort. But no combination of these goals
has yet been achieved.
40Polibits (49) 2014 ISSN 1870-9044
Steffen Schnitzer, Sebastian Schmidt, Christoph Rensing, and Bettina Harriehausen-Mühlbauer
A. Overview
In order to be able to use the advantages of ensemble
and active learning, a combination of these two methods
is sought. To achieve such a combination, two different
classifiers are created which depend on each other. On the
one hand, there is the ensemble learner, which employs
several different classifiers using a voting scheme to find a
classification decision. This base classifier is very accurate
and represents the effective classification. On the other
hand, there is the active learner, which is only trained with
documents where the base classifier is very uncertain in its
classification decision (ambiguous documents). This active
learning classifier is specialized in these ambiguous documents
and can be re-trained very fast. We call this combination the
Combined Ensemble and Fast Active Learner (CENFA) [15].
Fig. 1. The CENFA classifier
Figure 1 depicts the described concept. The base classifier
on the left uses SVMs in a bagged ensemble. The specialized
classifier on the right uses a single SVM. Ambiguous
documents as identified by the base classifier are labeled by
a human and used to train the specialized classifier. Test
documents are then classified depending on their ambiguity
either according to the results of the base classifier or the
results of the specialized classifier. The re-training of the
specialized classifier based on the ambiguous documents is
performed iteratively.
B. Phases of Training and Classification
The training and classification using CENFA is described
in detail along Fig. 1 in the following. The process starts
with a 2-phased setup and afterwards the regular mode can
be employed.
1) Setup Phase 1: At first only the base classifier is trained
(1). For that, several SVMs are trained on different subsets of
the training data acquired by bootstrapping. This application
of Bagging produces a very robust initial model.
2) Setup Phase 2: In the following phase, the CENFA
classifier is provided with classification tasks (2) and the
documents to be classified are provided to the different
SVMs. The base classifier aggregates the different results
of the SVMs for each document and calculates a decision
based on a voting scheme. Based on a confidence threshold,
the base classifier decides whether the classified document
appears to be ambiguous (3). All non-ambiguous classification
results are discarded during this phase. By performing several
classification tasks, the number of identified ambiguous
documents grows. Those ambiguous documents are then
annotated according to human feedback (4) which creates
a certain number of labeled ambiguous documents (5). The
labeled ambiguous documents are used to train a new classifier
which uses a single SVM (6). This classifier is trained
exclusively with documents that appear ambiguous to the base
classifier and is therefore specialized on such documents where
the base classifier shows weakness.
3) Regular Mode: Now that the specialized classifier is
initially trained, the CENFA can enter the regular mode and
be used for classification. Documents are first classified by
the base classifier (2). For documents that do not appear
to be ambiguous, the classification result is output directly
(7.1.). When a document appears to be ambiguous to the
base classifier, the classification decision is translocated to
the specialized classifier (7.2). Now the specialized classifier
calculates the decision based on the single SVM and populates
it (7.3). Here the specialized classifier may identify the
document as ambiguous and add it to the ambiguous
documents (8). More classification tasks will make the number
of ambiguous documents, which are then given to a human
for feedback (9), grow again. This is used to re-train the
specialized classifier and re-train it iteratively afterwards
(5,6,8,9). This leads to steady improvement of the overall
classifier during its usage.
This method combines the efficacy of ensemble learning,
represented by the bagged base classifier and the efficacy
of active learning represented by the fast iteratively trained
specialized classifier. Through the simple interfaces, the inner
combination of the two classifiers can be hidden and the
classifier can be used as a simple active learning classifier.
In order to prove the success of our approach we ran an
extensive evaluation from which we present selected results
in this section. Before presenting the results themselves, we
give insight into the methodology we used for evaluation.
A. Methodology
For evaluation a corpus of 10,300 German Web documents
containing job offers was used. The documents do not contain
any HTML markup but the pure textual content of the Web
sites. Each of these documents was annotated with one or
multiple class labels which represent the job offer’s respective
41 Polibits (49) 2014ISSN 1870-9044
Combining Active and Ensemble Learning for Efficient Classification of Web Documents
ID Name Positives Negatives
SD Software Development 2,077 8,223
TM Technical Management 1,727 8,573
Sales Sales 1,587 8,713
P-QA Production & Quality Assurance 1,501 8,799
TDD Technical Development & Design 1,069 9,231
field(s) of work. A set of 103 different labels was used for
annotation. On average, each instance was annotated with 4.25
labels with a standard deviation of 1.86.
For the purpose of evaluation we considered only the five
classes that showed to have the largest number of positive
examples, which are instances annotated with the respective
class label. This allows to have a large evaluation corpus
available. As mentioned above, the multi-label classification
problem is solved by building binary classifiers for each single
label. The number of positive and negative examples for each
classifier are shown in Table I. All instances not annotated with
the respective class label are considered as negative training
example for this class. Because the evaluation corpus is highly
unbalanced, we applied a resampling of the data to achieve a
better balanced data distribution. By doing so, we aim to obtain
a more robust classifier.
The whole corpus used for the evaluation was preprocessed
consistently so that the different classifiers where able to
perform their work on the same feature set. To obtain the
numeric vectors required for SVM classification, the TF-IDF
statistics are gathered for the 10,000 most used words by
applying a german tokenizer without using a stop word list
or a stemming algorithm.
For simulating the interactive feedback given by the human
annotators, we also used parts of this evaluation corpus. For
each instance where the classifier decides to request the human
for feedback we provide the label from the evaluation corpus.
Based on this, we achieve a division of the training data into
three sub-sets:
1) Subset A is used to train the base classifier.
2) The elements of subset B are classified by the base
classifier and if an element is identified as ambiguous it
is passed to the specialized classifier as training data
together with its annotation. All elements that were
identified as ambiguous form subset S.
3) Subset C is used for the evaluation (testing) of the
overall CENFA classifier.
Since the goal of our work is a classification approach that
can classify instances with the same accuracy as traditional
ensemble learning approaches but with reduced manual human
effort and with a better timing behavior, we need to compare
our approach to other approaches. These approaches will be
explained in the following. Subset S is the set of ambiguous
instances which is used to train the specialized classifier of
the CENFA classifier. The Random classifier approach uses
set R, a random selection of elements from subset B, to
train the specialized classifier. The number of elements in this
selection is similar to the number of ambiguous instances the
CENFA approach uses to train the specialized classifier. In
other words, subset R is chosen to be of the same cardinality
as subset S, while both are subsets of set B. The aim of
this approach is to verify the suitability of using ambiguous
instances for incorporating user feedback instead of training
the specialized classifier with random instances. In order to
examine the benefit of not retraining the base classifier with
the ambiguous instances but only the specialized classifier
we introduce the Extended classifier approach. After having
recognized a number of instances as ambiguous, the whole
ensemble is re-trained and the accuracy and run time of this
approach are compared to the training of CENFAs specialized
classifier only. Last but not least, our approach is evaluated
against the Random Single SVM (RSSVM) approach that uses
a single SVM trained with the subset A and a random selection
from set B. It has to be noted that CENFA, Random, Extended
and RSSVM are all trained with the same amount of training
data but the instances used and the overall system architecture
vary across these approaches.
The three different classifiers for comparison each have
a separate purpose. The Random delivers insights on the
accuracy performance of CENFA compared to a classifier
which does not use the active learning methodology for
selecting ambiguous instances. The RSSVM delivers insights
on CENFAs accuracy performance compared to a classifier
which does not use the ensemble learning methodology and
additionally the training time difference to a single SVM setup.
The Extended delivers insights on the accuracy performance
compared to a classifier which does not apply the provided
compromise. Here CENFA was expected to be outperformed
while being much faster. Table II provides an overview of
the different classifiers with their used training sets and their
evaluation purpose.
The CENFA architecture and the evaluation concept allow
to tune different parameters and examine their influence on
the overall accuracy in order to determine the best setting.
The dividing factor denotes the division into the subsets A, B
and C; in particular the given number represents the fraction
of data that is assigned to subset A. Subsets B and C always
hold the same number of instances. Hence, e.g. a dividing
factor of 0.7 means that A consists of 70% of the instances
from the evaluation corpus, B of 15% and C of 15%. A
higher dividing factor results in a larger training set A but a
smaller number of instances for the training of the specialized
classifier. The second parameter which can be varied is the
confidence value, which denotes the decision threshold of the
ensemble learner up from which an instance is considered as
ambiguous. If this is chosen to be very low then only a very
small amount of instances from B are considered as ambiguous
and used for the training of the specialized classifier. Further,
the specialized classifier gets only a small amount of instances
from C assigned for training since the base classifier decides
42Polibits (49) 2014 ISSN 1870-9044
Steffen Schnitzer, Sebastian Schmidt, Christoph Rensing, and Bettina Harriehausen-Mühlbauer
training sets
Classifier base special evaluation baseline with the following purpose
CENFA A S proposed approach
Random A R accuracy when using random instead of ambiguous instances
RSSVM A+R accuracy/timing behavior without ensemble
Extended A+S accuracy/timing behaviour with complete retraining
on the class for most of the instances. The last parameter which
can be tuned is the number of bagged SVMs for finding a good
trade-off between robustness of the ensemble and accuracy of
the single classifiers.
We evaluate the approaches by calculating the accuracy of
the classification based on a 10-fold cross-validation. Further,
we examine the time required for building the classifiers
using the different settings. The underlying SVM algorithm’s
implementation, used by all classifiers during evaluation,
applies the Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) [16]
algorithm with the default parameters provided by the Weka
B. Results
The different parameters were evaluated for their best
setup before the actual evaluation results were acquired using
this setup. This parameter evaluation showed that the five
different classes require different tuning of the parameters
to achieve the best possible results. This shows that those
parameters should be evaluated and tuned differently for every
scenario the CENFA algorithm is used in. However, to gain
comparable evaluation results, the tuning parameters for the
five different classes were chosen similarly. The values used
for the parameters can be found below in Table III.
Parameter Chosen Value
Dividing Factor 0.70
Confidence Value 0.70
Number of Bagged SVMs 10
CENFA and the three different classifiers used for
comparison were evaluated considering different corpus sizes.
Besides the 100% corpus with 10,300 job offers, also 75%,
50%, 25% and 10% corpus sizes were used. To present the
results for accuracy evaluation in a compact way, 10% and
100% corpus size were chosen for presentation in this paper
only. These extreme values were chosen to show on the one
hand the feasibility of the approach with a small training set
only and on the other hand the increasing accuracy for a large
data set. The overall trend was similar for all corpus sizes and
the accuracy values were steadily increasing with increasing
corpus size for all approaches presented.
When using 10% of the evaluation corpus for evaluation, on
average 14,5% of the instances were declared as ambiguous
by the base classifier. Using the full evaluation corpus, 4.47%
were declared as ambiguous. This trend is natural since the
base classifier becomes more robust with a higher number of
training instances.
In what follows we highlight different aspects of our
Fig. 2. The accuracy at 10% corpus size
Fig. 3. The accuracy at 100% corpus size
1) Overall Accuracy: Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the
performances of all the classifiers. CENFA can be seen to
43 Polibits (49) 2014ISSN 1870-9044
Combining Active and Ensemble Learning for Efficient Classification of Web Documents
(a) Speed gain factor of CENFA compared to RSSVM
(b) Speed gain factor of CENFA compared to Extended
Fig. 4. Compared time performance of different classifiers for different corpus sizes
perform very differently for the different classes at 10%
corpus size in Figure 2. It ranges from 79.94% accuracy for
the P-QA class up to 88.27% for the SD class, reaching
an average of 84.57% with a standard deviation of 3.74%.
This variation is likely due to the generally chosen tuning
parameters which are fixed for the five classes instead of
being tuned individually. Figure 3 shows that this variation
decreases for bigger training corpora because the classifiers are
trained thoroughly and reach towards the upper boundary of
100% accuracy. Here, CENFA can be seen to achieve between
94.25% and 97.86% accuracy, reaching an average of 96.61%
and a standard deviation of 1.52%. Interestingly, the accuracy
along the classes does not correspond with the number of
positive examples per class.
2) Active Learning Accuracy: Figure 3 shows that the
CENFA classifier was able to outperform the Random classifier
at a corpus size of 100% in every class by between 1.2% and
0.5%. Figure 2 shows it outperforms the Random classifier
at a corpus size of 10% by between 0.7% and 3.0%. By
applying active learning, CENFA reaches higher accuracy
for the same amount of training documents. By comparing
Figure 2 and Figure 3 one can see that a larger number of
training documents results in a better accuracy. Combining
these two observations this means on the other hand that the
CENFA classifier can reach the same accuracy by using fewer
training documents compared to the Random classifier and
therefore is more efficient.
3) Ensemble Learning Accuracy and Computational Com-
plexity: As shown in Figure 3, the CENFA classifier was able
to outperform the RSSVM classifier at a corpus size of 100%
for two classes by 2.1% and 2.9% and reaches the same
accuracy for one class. The RSSVM classifier on the other
hand outperforms the CENFA for two classes by 0.4% and
1.0%. Figure 2 shows that CENFA outperforms the RSSVM at
a corpus size of 10% for three classes by between 1.9% and
5.2% while the RSSVM is more accurate for two classes by
0.2% and 0.6%.
The differences of the results between the classes is
due to the fixed tuning parameters which causes CENFAs
performance to vary for the different classes while the RSSVM
is only influenced in terms of numbers of training documents
by those parameters. On average, the CENFA classifier reaches
higher accuracy and can therefore be regarded as more
However, another interesting evaluation parameter besides
the accuracy is the build time. For the 100% corpus size the
CENFA base classifier took 4,976.41 seconds to train and the
special classifier took 0.05 seconds to re-train on average. The
RSSVM took about 613.31 seconds to train. This means the
RSSVM is about 8 times faster on the first training but CENFA
is up to 12,000 times faster on every re-train iteration which
makes it more efficient in the long run. Additionally, the speed
gain factor of the CENFA compared to the RSSVM increases
from small corpora to larger corpora which can be seen in
Fig. 4a.
4) Uncompromising Accuracy and Computational Com-
plexity: Figure 3 shows that the Extended classifier
outperforms the CENFA classifier at a corpus size of 100%
in all but the SD class. However, the maximal improvement
of the Extended is at 0.6% and the average is at 0.15%. At a
corpus size of 10% the CENFA reaches the same accuracy as
the Extended for two classes, is outperformed for two classes
by 0.3% and 1.3%, and reaches a higher accuracy for the
Sales class by 0.5%. The average accuracy loss of the CENFA
against the Extended is at 0.2%. That means that the CENFA
classifier almost retains the Extended classifier’s efficacy.
Again the build time of the classifier at a corpus size
of 100% is also considered. Compared to a re-train build
time of 0.05 seconds of CENFA, the Extended took 5,106.64
seconds. This means CENFA is up to 100,000 times faster and
thus proves to be more efficient. Also, the speed gain factor
of CENFA compared to the Extended increases from small
corpora to larger corpora which can be seen in Figure 4b.
44Polibits (49) 2014 ISSN 1870-9044
Steffen Schnitzer, Sebastian Schmidt, Christoph Rensing, and Bettina Harriehausen-Mühlbauer
The evaluation shows that the CENFA learner provides a
combination of the strengths of ensemble and active learning.
It is able to increase efficacy and efficiency compared to
pure ensemble and active learning respectively. Compared to
a standard combination of ensemble and active learning it
almost retains the effectiveness and increases the efficiency
substantially. In terms of time, the CENFA is up to 100.000
times faster.
The provided solution of the CENFA learner was created
to classify Web documents and especially job offers. The
approach needs to be evaluated in other domains of Web
documents. It would also be interesting to apply this method in
different classification scenarios, where entities other than Web
documents have to be classified. The concept is independent
from the underlying algorithm used (SVM), hence different
algorithms can be tested in such an environment. Even base
and specialized classifier could be applied using different
algorithms. CENFA was evaluated with pre-annotated training
sets simulating human feedback. Applying the algorithm in
an actual active learning environment is a required step of
evaluation in order to prove its suitability in a real-world
The work presented in this paper was partly funded by
the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
(BMBF) under grant no. 01IS12054 and partially funded in
the framework of Hessen Modell Projekte, financed with funds
of LOEWE-State Offensive for the Development of Scientific
and Economic Excellence (HA project no. 292/11-37). The
responsibility for the contents of this publication lies with
the authors. We thank kimeta GmbH for the essential help
assisting with building the evaluation corpus.
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45 Polibits (49) 2014ISSN 1870-9044
Combining Active and Ensemble Learning for Efficient Classification of Web Documents