The evaluation shows that the CENFA learner provides a
combination of the strengths of ensemble and active learning.
It is able to increase efficacy and efficiency compared to
pure ensemble and active learning respectively. Compared to
a standard combination of ensemble and active learning it
almost retains the effectiveness and increases the efficiency
substantially. In terms of time, the CENFA is up to 100.000
times faster.
The provided solution of the CENFA learner was created
to classify Web documents and especially job offers. The
approach needs to be evaluated in other domains of Web
documents. It would also be interesting to apply this method in
different classification scenarios, where entities other than Web
documents have to be classified. The concept is independent
from the underlying algorithm used (SVM), hence different
algorithms can be tested in such an environment. Even base
and specialized classifier could be applied using different
algorithms. CENFA was evaluated with pre-annotated training
sets simulating human feedback. Applying the algorithm in
an actual active learning environment is a required step of
evaluation in order to prove its suitability in a real-world
The work presented in this paper was partly funded by
the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
(BMBF) under grant no. 01IS12054 and partially funded in
the framework of Hessen Modell Projekte, financed with funds
of LOEWE-State Offensive for the Development of Scientific
and Economic Excellence (HA project no. 292/11-37). The
responsibility for the contents of this publication lies with
the authors. We thank kimeta GmbH for the essential help
assisting with building the evaluation corpus.
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45 Polibits (49) 2014ISSN 1870-9044
Combining Active and Ensemble Learning for Efficient Classification of Web Documents